Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Week Twenty Six:  Theme - "Water"

I cheated a little bit this week and used a picture that was taken at our local mini golf course.  Jackson has been asking to play mini golf almost every day this summer, so we have spent a lot of time there.  There is water all along the two golf courses there, so it worked for this week!

ISO100  f/4  1/1600sec.

June 26, 2011

Week Twenty Five:  Theme - "Children"

Our own little guy.  :)

ISO200  f/3.2  1/500sec.

June 21, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Week Twenty Four:  Theme - "Reflection"

I chose this photo for the story behind it.  Jackson was typing out numbers on the computer and he asked us what eight minus nine was.  I said to him, "I don't know, how much?"  He replied, "Minus one."  We were completely shocked that he actually knew the answer.  He only let me take one picture of his next math problem so although this may not be the best photo, it will always be reminder of our little three and half year old's love of numbers and math.

ISO6400  f/3.2  1/320sec.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week Twenty Three:  Theme - "Landscape"

I was hoping to get a shot of the mountains, but we kept busy this week and I wasn't able to get one.  When I saw these clouds on the drive home, I decided that I really wanted to capture them which made a perfect photo for the week. 

ISO100  f/5 1/800sec.

June 11, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week Twenty Two:  Theme - "Architecture"

This is in Old Town Fort Collins in Old Town Square.  I wish that I had stepped back a little more because I chopped the star at the top of the building, and I would have preferred another angle to get the tent out of the shot.  I only got one shot though before Jackson wanted to move on to better things.

ISO100  f/4  1/500sec.

June 5, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week Twenty One:  Theme - "Emotive Portrait"

I don't know how "emotive" this really is, but due to a busy week it is the closest thing I have for the week.  We went camping during the Memorial Day weekend.  It was Jackson's first camping trip and he really enjoyed it, especially the campfire, roasting marshmallows, and fishing with Daddy.  This was taken right before Daddy caught a fish in the Poudre River.

ISO250  f/4  1/500sec.

May 30, 2011