Friday, September 23, 2011

Week Thirty Seven:  Theme - "Inspired by a Photographer"
Lisa Lucky is an absolutely amazing photographer that I discovered on a photography forum.  The first time I saw one of her images, I was simply blown away by her talent.  Her images are truly breathtaking.  She has taken a few photos of her boys laying down in water so I asked Jackson if he would help me get a picture of him in the water.  To my surprise, he was more than happy to help me out.  The photo for my inspiration is here:  Lisa Lucky.  I did not mute the colors in mine as much, although I love the way hers turned out.

ISO2000  f/2.8  1/100sec.

September 15, 2011

Week Thirty Six: Theme - "School"

Jackson started preschool this year and has really enjoyed it so far.  The teachers in the class he started in were amazing and he absolutely adored them.  He has since moved up to another class, and although he is still doing well he misses the teachers from his first class as well as one of his best friends who has not moved up to the new class yet.  He is learning a lot of new skills, including writing which has been one of our challenges at home.

ISO100  f/2.8  1/2000sec.

September 10, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week Thirty Five:  Theme - "Feet"

Just a photo of our family feet.  I actually don't really like feet, with the exception of one little boy.  

ISO500  f/1.8  1/125sec.

September 2, 2011

Week Thirty Four:  Theme - "Busy"

We went to the splash park, which I expected to be busy because it was the last week it was going to be open for the summer.  But it turned out that we were the only people there.  So I have a photo of just one busy little boy, enjoying the last days of summer.

ISO100  f/4  1/400sec.

August 25, 2011