Friday, September 23, 2011

Week Thirty Seven:  Theme - "Inspired by a Photographer"
Lisa Lucky is an absolutely amazing photographer that I discovered on a photography forum.  The first time I saw one of her images, I was simply blown away by her talent.  Her images are truly breathtaking.  She has taken a few photos of her boys laying down in water so I asked Jackson if he would help me get a picture of him in the water.  To my surprise, he was more than happy to help me out.  The photo for my inspiration is here:  Lisa Lucky.  I did not mute the colors in mine as much, although I love the way hers turned out.

ISO2000  f/2.8  1/100sec.

September 15, 2011

Week Thirty Six: Theme - "School"

Jackson started preschool this year and has really enjoyed it so far.  The teachers in the class he started in were amazing and he absolutely adored them.  He has since moved up to another class, and although he is still doing well he misses the teachers from his first class as well as one of his best friends who has not moved up to the new class yet.  He is learning a lot of new skills, including writing which has been one of our challenges at home.

ISO100  f/2.8  1/2000sec.

September 10, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week Thirty Five:  Theme - "Feet"

Just a photo of our family feet.  I actually don't really like feet, with the exception of one little boy.  

ISO500  f/1.8  1/125sec.

September 2, 2011

Week Thirty Four:  Theme - "Busy"

We went to the splash park, which I expected to be busy because it was the last week it was going to be open for the summer.  But it turned out that we were the only people there.  So I have a photo of just one busy little boy, enjoying the last days of summer.

ISO100  f/4  1/400sec.

August 25, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week Thirty Three:  Theme - "Clouds"

A beautiful Colorado sunset.

ISO400  f/2.8  1/80sec.

August 18, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Week Thirty Two:  Theme - "Head Shot"

Jackson promised to help me this week, although he didn't give me very many chances to get a good head shot.  

ISO800  f/2.8 1/100sec.

August 13, 2011

Week Thirty One:  Theme - "Over/Under"

I had a difficult time trying to figure out what I was going to do for the theme this week.  As the week came to an end, I realized that I had taken a lot of photos of the lightening storm earlier in the week.  I figured I could use one of the lightening over the house behind us.  It's a bit of a stretch, but it works.

ISO6400  f/1.8 1/200sec.

August 3, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Week Thirty: Theme - "Backlight"

Senshi, our Shiba Inu, was my model this week.  Sometimes the dogs are more cooperative than the child - all I have to day is, "Senshi, do you want a cookie?" and he stops and looks at the camera with that adorable face.  This was one of those weeks.

ISO100  f/1.8  1/1600sec.

July 26, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week Twenty Nine: Theme - "Shadows"

The idea for this came to me as I was outside at work, taking a picture of a plant with an interesting shadow against the fence.  I went inside and asked if anyone would jump for me so I could take a photo of their shadow and ended up with two volunteers.  I love the way this one came out!

ISO100  f/2.8  1/5000sec.

July 22, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week Twenty Eight: Theme - "Comfort Food"

I have always had a sweet tooth, and chocolate has always been one of my favorites.  It is definitely my weakness when it comes to eating the wrong things!

ISO4000  f/1.8  1/200sec.

July 19, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week Twenty Seven:  Theme - "Fireworks"

We lit our own fireworks at home because the little one still thinks the big fireworks are too loud.  Our neighbors lit some of the big ones to which he replied, "We need to go inside, it's bed time!"  But he enjoyed the fountains, sparklers, and snaps.

ISO400   f/22  0.8sec.

July 4, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Week Twenty Six:  Theme - "Water"

I cheated a little bit this week and used a picture that was taken at our local mini golf course.  Jackson has been asking to play mini golf almost every day this summer, so we have spent a lot of time there.  There is water all along the two golf courses there, so it worked for this week!

ISO100  f/4  1/1600sec.

June 26, 2011

Week Twenty Five:  Theme - "Children"

Our own little guy.  :)

ISO200  f/3.2  1/500sec.

June 21, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Week Twenty Four:  Theme - "Reflection"

I chose this photo for the story behind it.  Jackson was typing out numbers on the computer and he asked us what eight minus nine was.  I said to him, "I don't know, how much?"  He replied, "Minus one."  We were completely shocked that he actually knew the answer.  He only let me take one picture of his next math problem so although this may not be the best photo, it will always be reminder of our little three and half year old's love of numbers and math.

ISO6400  f/3.2  1/320sec.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week Twenty Three:  Theme - "Landscape"

I was hoping to get a shot of the mountains, but we kept busy this week and I wasn't able to get one.  When I saw these clouds on the drive home, I decided that I really wanted to capture them which made a perfect photo for the week. 

ISO100  f/5 1/800sec.

June 11, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week Twenty Two:  Theme - "Architecture"

This is in Old Town Fort Collins in Old Town Square.  I wish that I had stepped back a little more because I chopped the star at the top of the building, and I would have preferred another angle to get the tent out of the shot.  I only got one shot though before Jackson wanted to move on to better things.

ISO100  f/4  1/500sec.

June 5, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week Twenty One:  Theme - "Emotive Portrait"

I don't know how "emotive" this really is, but due to a busy week it is the closest thing I have for the week.  We went camping during the Memorial Day weekend.  It was Jackson's first camping trip and he really enjoyed it, especially the campfire, roasting marshmallows, and fishing with Daddy.  This was taken right before Daddy caught a fish in the Poudre River.

ISO250  f/4  1/500sec.

May 30, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week Twenty:  Theme - "Vintage"

Jason and I went to Old Town Windsor for our anniversary dinner, a perfect place to get a photo with a vintage feel to it.

ISO6400  f/2.8  1/200sec.

May 14, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week Nineteen:  Theme - "Black and White"

Jackson relaxing and watching a little television.

ISO1600  f/2.8  1/80sec.

May 10, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Week Eighteen:  Theme - "My Favorite Things"

My Keurig was a gift from Jason a couple of years ago and I have loved it since day one.  I love a good cup of coffee and the Keurig is perfect since I am the only one at home that drinks coffee.  There is a huge collection of coffees, teas, and hot chocolates to choose from so there is always something new to try. 

ISO2000  f/3.5  1/60sec.

May 5, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week Seventeen:  Theme - "Night"

Our neighborhood by night.

ISO2000  f/22  25sec,

May 1, 2011

Week Sixteen:  Theme - "Eggs"

Jackson had a lot of fun coloring eggs this year.  His favorite, of course, were the red ones.  

ISO2000  f/4  1/80sec.

April 23, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Week Fifteen:  Theme - "Smile"

My two favorite guys, having fun wrestling in the yard.

ISO 100  f/3.5  1/250sec.

April 10, 2011

Week Fourteen:  Theme - "Grass"

ISO125  f/3.2  1/400sec.

April 4, 2011

Week Thirteen:  Theme - "Hands"

ISO200  f/3.2  1/50sec

April 1, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week Twelve: Theme - "Pets/Animals"

I ended up getting pictures of each one of our animals this week and only felt it fair to include all of them.  Bobby is our oldest kitty, coming up on 12 years old on April 4th.  Senshi and Yukai are our two Shiba Inus.  Fiona is our youngest kitty.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Week Eleven:  Theme - "Green"

It only seemed fitting to do a picture on Saint Patrick's Day this week.  Jackson and I made a shamrock together for the holiday.  Of course, his favorite part was putting the numbers on it for the date at the bottom.

Nikon D7000  ISO800  f/2.8  1/500sec.

March 17, 2011

Week Ten:  Theme - "Childhood Toys"

Jackson has many, many cars and trucks.  These are his electric racecars, which he loves to race.

Nikon D7000   ISO400  f/3.2  1/20sec.

March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week Nine: Theme - "Self Portrait"

Jackson helped with this one.  Taking a self portrait is not as easy as one might think!

Nikon D7000  ISO400  f/2.8  1/250sec.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week Eight:  Theme - Illustrate a Song

"I Will Not Take These Things for Granted" ~ Toad the Wet Sprocket

Starting a family was not as easy as I thought it would be.  With infertility and loss come a lot of emotions, from anger to jealousy to feeling like a failure as a wife and as a woman.  This pregnancy was terrifying, but I enjoyed every single moment of it.  Now, I am like any other mother.  I get frustrated, I lose my patience, and temper tantrums drive me nuts.  But at the end of every day, I look at my sleeping child and I am so grateful that I have this gift.  He is my joy, he is my life, and I will never take him for granted.

Nikon D7000  ISO400   f/3.2  1/50sec.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week Seven:  Theme - Love

There is nobody we love more!

Nikon D7000  ISO1000  f/2.8  1/50sec.

February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week Six: Theme - Breakfast

We eat a lot of cinnamon rolls!  It's definitely our favorite thing to eat for breakfast.

Nikon D7000  ISO800  f/2.8  1/80sec.

February 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week Five: Theme - Phobias

I had three photos that I had a tough time choosing from this week.  I decided to go with the Dachshund because whenever we have one come into the clinic at work, I run the other direction and hope nobody asks me to help restrain them.  A few years back, I had a Dachshund bite my hand and ever since that incident I am very wary of them.

Nikon D7000   ISO2000  f/2.2  1/25sec.

February 2, 2011

Alternative One - Spiders!

ISO1000  f/2.2   1/125sec.

Alternative Two - Car Accidents
Lesson learned - always clear the snow off of the back window and always look before backing your car up!  Here are the two casualties from my little mishap.

ISO1000  f/2.5  1/6sec.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week Four:  Theme - "Abstract Portrait"

I actually got this idea while Jackson and I were out last week for the previous photo.  As we were walking along the railroad tracks, I noticed our shadows from the setting sun on the grass and snapped a few photos.  I loved the idea and the way they turned out.  I decided to try the same idea against the fence in our backyard, and with a little bribery I was able to capture this shot.

Nikon D7000  ISO100  f/2.2  1/2500sec.

January 30, 2011

Week Three: Theme - "Geometry"

I had a difficult time with the theme this week.  I took a lot of pictures and just didn't feel happy with any of them.  Jackson and I went for a walk to see if I could get a photo I liked by the railroad tracks near our house.  This photo didn't impress me until I started playing with it in Photoshop Elements.  I love the way it came out, especially the dark feel of it.

Nikon D7000  ISO160  f/2.8  1/400sec,

January 21, 2011

Week Two: Theme - "Cold"

We got plenty of snow for photos this week, but this one of Yukai out in the snow really seemed to capture the feeling.  Both of the dogs love getting out in the snow to play so it was easy to get a photo this week.

Nikon D60  ISO 100  f/2.5  1/640sec.

January 9, 2011

Week One: Theme - "New"

I got this idea from a photographer that I admire from one of the message boards that I frequent.  I used Photoshop Elements to remove the letters for the "2011" tiles.  

Nikon D60  ISO200  f/1.8  1/250sec.

January 1, 2011