Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week Five: Theme - Phobias

I had three photos that I had a tough time choosing from this week.  I decided to go with the Dachshund because whenever we have one come into the clinic at work, I run the other direction and hope nobody asks me to help restrain them.  A few years back, I had a Dachshund bite my hand and ever since that incident I am very wary of them.

Nikon D7000   ISO2000  f/2.2  1/25sec.

February 2, 2011

Alternative One - Spiders!

ISO1000  f/2.2   1/125sec.

Alternative Two - Car Accidents
Lesson learned - always clear the snow off of the back window and always look before backing your car up!  Here are the two casualties from my little mishap.

ISO1000  f/2.5  1/6sec.

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