Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week Eight:  Theme - Illustrate a Song

"I Will Not Take These Things for Granted" ~ Toad the Wet Sprocket

Starting a family was not as easy as I thought it would be.  With infertility and loss come a lot of emotions, from anger to jealousy to feeling like a failure as a wife and as a woman.  This pregnancy was terrifying, but I enjoyed every single moment of it.  Now, I am like any other mother.  I get frustrated, I lose my patience, and temper tantrums drive me nuts.  But at the end of every day, I look at my sleeping child and I am so grateful that I have this gift.  He is my joy, he is my life, and I will never take him for granted.

Nikon D7000  ISO400   f/3.2  1/50sec.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week Seven:  Theme - Love

There is nobody we love more!

Nikon D7000  ISO1000  f/2.8  1/50sec.

February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week Six: Theme - Breakfast

We eat a lot of cinnamon rolls!  It's definitely our favorite thing to eat for breakfast.

Nikon D7000  ISO800  f/2.8  1/80sec.

February 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week Five: Theme - Phobias

I had three photos that I had a tough time choosing from this week.  I decided to go with the Dachshund because whenever we have one come into the clinic at work, I run the other direction and hope nobody asks me to help restrain them.  A few years back, I had a Dachshund bite my hand and ever since that incident I am very wary of them.

Nikon D7000   ISO2000  f/2.2  1/25sec.

February 2, 2011

Alternative One - Spiders!

ISO1000  f/2.2   1/125sec.

Alternative Two - Car Accidents
Lesson learned - always clear the snow off of the back window and always look before backing your car up!  Here are the two casualties from my little mishap.

ISO1000  f/2.5  1/6sec.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week Four:  Theme - "Abstract Portrait"

I actually got this idea while Jackson and I were out last week for the previous photo.  As we were walking along the railroad tracks, I noticed our shadows from the setting sun on the grass and snapped a few photos.  I loved the idea and the way they turned out.  I decided to try the same idea against the fence in our backyard, and with a little bribery I was able to capture this shot.

Nikon D7000  ISO100  f/2.2  1/2500sec.

January 30, 2011

Week Three: Theme - "Geometry"

I had a difficult time with the theme this week.  I took a lot of pictures and just didn't feel happy with any of them.  Jackson and I went for a walk to see if I could get a photo I liked by the railroad tracks near our house.  This photo didn't impress me until I started playing with it in Photoshop Elements.  I love the way it came out, especially the dark feel of it.

Nikon D7000  ISO160  f/2.8  1/400sec,

January 21, 2011

Week Two: Theme - "Cold"

We got plenty of snow for photos this week, but this one of Yukai out in the snow really seemed to capture the feeling.  Both of the dogs love getting out in the snow to play so it was easy to get a photo this week.

Nikon D60  ISO 100  f/2.5  1/640sec.

January 9, 2011

Week One: Theme - "New"

I got this idea from a photographer that I admire from one of the message boards that I frequent.  I used Photoshop Elements to remove the letters for the "2011" tiles.  

Nikon D60  ISO200  f/1.8  1/250sec.

January 1, 2011